Tag: portraits

  • Andrew | Philadelphia, PA

    Andrew | Philadelphia, PA

    Being the baby of the family, it’s good. I mean, you really can’t complain, because you get to learn from your older siblings’ mistakes, and they teach you along the way. You struggle sometimes just because everybody expects that you do the best. There is a higher expectation for you.…

  • Oswaldo | Sacramento, CA

    Oswaldo | Sacramento, CA

    I was born in Mexico. I came into the country when I was about eight months old, really young. When I think back about growing up, I feel like it’s a weird double edged sword because I love my parents. I love everything that they’ve done for me just because…

  • Robert | Philadelphia PA

    Robert | Philadelphia PA

    When I lived in Wisconsin, I was just a “nobody.” When I moved down here after my dad got locked up, I became the heart of the family. Ya know, I keep my mom going, I keep my brothers and sisters together, I keep my nephews going and everybody sees…

  • Christopher | Orlando, FL

    Christopher | Orlando, FL

    Anthony: So where did you grow up?  Christopher: I am from South Florida, I grew up there. Then I moved to Orlando in 2010. I grew up in Naples and Naples has historically always been a conservative town. It is where a lot of retirees go and people that occupy…

  • David | Chicago, IL

    David | Chicago, IL

    I grew up in the North, Northwest side of Chicago. I’ve moved around most of my life. Sadly, in most cases due to evictions. Somehow my family always stood close to Main Street Pulaski. Blue line for life bond!! I’m the baby of six kids; five boys, one girl. My…

  • Horacio x Eddie | Philadelphia, PA

    Horacio x Eddie | Philadelphia, PA

    Horacio: Long story short, the quarantine made our March 21st date impossible so the day that the stay at home order was enacted in Philly (March 17th) we got a call from the chapel offering to sign our marriage license that day so it wouldn’t expire. We like to think…

  • José Javier | Wilton Manor, FL

    José Javier | Wilton Manor, FL

    i came out to my mother when my grandmother died in 2006. and back then I had a cousin that was gay – – that IS gay – -he has not a stopped being gay. (laughs) he was living around here and my mother would always ask me, “why do…

  • Chris & Andrew | Bronx, NY

    Chris & Andrew | Bronx, NY

    chris: my brother really continues to teach me how to be unapologetically me. he is so unapologetically him ALL the time. like, i have never met another person who is able to be like “i don’t give a fuck if you don’t like anything about me. i’m pretty sure about…

  • Aces |Chicago, IL

    Aces |Chicago, IL

    How tough can it be to hype up some art, hang up some frames, and celebrate with some comadres from the block? To celebrate National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day, I wanted to bridge together some poz artists and our immigrant community members here in Chicago with an art gallery community…

  • Monserat | Seattle, WA

    Monserat | Seattle, WA

    I was born in Tonalá, Jalisco in Mexico but I grew up in East LA since I was two years old. Growing up in East LA was one of the most, luckiest opportunities. While coming into a whole new country not having to lose my culture because east la is…

  • Happy Father’s Day!

    Happy Father’s Day!

    happy father’s day to all varones. those who are raising and nurturing. those who are guiding and leading. those who are passing along family traditions while expanding what our familia looks like. we celebrate and salute you on this day.  ¡feliz día de los padres! karlos & david with their…