Tag: portrait

  • J Aces Lira | Chivago, IL

    J Aces Lira | Chivago, IL

    I recall my time in high school. During this time, I’m making intercity commutes and my mom was struggling with eviction notices and constant housing moves. For a period of time, we were homeless and struggled to make a smooth transition between the last place and the next option. I…

  • Brian | Tampa, FL

    Brian | Tampa, FL

    I’ve been raised in and out of Philly most of my life. And as far as Philly being good for me at that time in my life, no. I needed structure and I was going down the wrong road being here which is why my parents made the decision to…

  • Kareem D’Ant | Lancaster, PA

    Kareem D’Ant | Lancaster, PA

    I did the whole project [zesty: the EP] on my iPhone 6. I didn’t have the resources so I was just like I am gonna utilize what I have and make something and it turned out to be better than what I expected. With this project, I talked about what…

  • David | Chicago, IL

    David | Chicago, IL

    I grew up in the North, Northwest side of Chicago. I’ve moved around most of my life. Sadly, in most cases due to evictions. Somehow my family always stood close to Main Street Pulaski. Blue line for life bond!! I’m the baby of six kids; five boys, one girl. My…

  • Gabriel | New York, NY

    Gabriel | New York, NY

    I have not taken the subway since the lockdown a few weeks ago and my bike has been my only mode of transportation. Surreal is the best way to describe how it feels to ride through Times Square right now. Never in a million years would I ever think I…

  • Victor | Los Angeles, CA

    Victor | Los Angeles, CA

    i started hiking when i started losing weight. i used to be 300 pounds. i would work out as a punishment. i used to punish myself. it would be like mid-summer, mid-day, i would throw on two pairs of sweatpants. underneath, i would wear a sweating body suit, a hoodie…

  • José Eduardo | Houston, Tx

    José Eduardo | Houston, Tx

    I was born in Mexico, grew up there as a little kid but then I’ve spent most of my life now in Houston, Texas.I was nine years old actually, my dad had to come over to the US undocumented since he was 14 years old. Back in the 80s, it…

  • June | Philadelphia, PA

    June | Philadelphia, PA

    I have always tried to inform people what it life was like behind bars as a transgender latina and as a hiv positive trans latina. people think that we are supported and we are not. we have to survive on our own in there just like we have to when…

  • Javier | Chicago, IL

    Javier | Chicago, IL

    There can be some old age ways of passing along health communication. It’s usually wrapped around fear or paranoia. Like, “Make sure you get your prueba de VIH cause you don’t know about cuando cortan el pelo o algo asi..” and stuff that’s not actually a risk. I have had…

  • Fernando | Chicago, IL

    Fernando | Chicago, IL

    I would pass by the clinic but I would never enter, standing in front of the door I would think, “Do I go in or not.” I made five attempts before going in. And when I entered, I sat down, and next to me someone sat down. The older gentleman…

  • Haitemai | Mexico City, Mexico

    Haitemai | Mexico City, Mexico

    I learned a lot working with plants, the first: to be someone who has a plan in advance. The second: to be very clear about the things I need to have optimal growth. Third: surround myself with a healthy environment that supports my goals. Also, how to be more patient,…

  • Mathew | Philadelphia, PA

    Mathew | Philadelphia, PA

    when i was diagnosed, it changed my life completely. i was a 17 year old boy barely coming to grips with my sexuality. i was already struggling with aspects of myself that i was scared to share with the world in fear of judgment and now this happened. it stopped…