Tag: Abdul-Aliy Muhammad'

  • How To Survive A Plague Again: The Denver Principles

    How To Survive A Plague Again: The Denver Principles

    About two week ago, I did the very rare thing of going live on Instagram. I asked my comrade and my good, good gurlfriend Abdul-Aliy Muhammad to join me as we discussed “How to Survive A Plague…Again.” For about an hour and a half, Abdul and I talked about what…

  • HIV and COVID-19: White Supremacy Is The True Parallel

    HIV and COVID-19: White Supremacy Is The True Parallel

    “Any disease that is treated as a mystery and acutely enough feared will be felt to be morally, if not literally, contagious.” Susan Sontag, Illness As Metaphor In December of 2019, a virus emerged in Wuhan, the capital city of the Hubei Province, located in China. This novel coronavirus was…

  • What A Time To Be Alive…With HIV

    What A Time To Be Alive…With HIV

    Growing up, Little Shop of Horrors was my favorite musical and still is a contender for the greatest of all time. I was captured by the music and the narrative of the underdog winning. Here was soft-spoken Seymour, falling in love with Audrey and then the nightmare unfolds. The music, composed by…