Category: Uncategorized

  • The Day I Was Santa

    The Day I Was Santa

    growing up i knew that i could and would be anything i wanted – as long as i could get access to resources and shit. i imagined that i would be a backup dancer for janet jackson or paula abdul. i daydreamed about being a famous pop artist. i even had…

  • my reflection

    my reflection

    we had a huge mirror downstairs. it was right above the living room couch. its position was hella convenient. as i came down the stairs to leave the house, i got a glimpse of what my outfit looked like—actually, you had no choice but to get a look at your…

  • We’re All Libraries Burning: A Virtual Gallery for Visual AIDS

    We’re All Libraries Burning: A Virtual Gallery for Visual AIDS

    The first time I heard the quote “every time an old person dies, it is as if a library burned down,” I immediately thought of my mother and brother Nicholas. The two people in the universe that were the first half of my life, that many of my memories orbit…

  • SUMMERS: a playlist

    SUMMERS: a playlist

    We love playlists! Gran Varones partnered with Familia Trans & Queer Liberation Movement to create a series of Spotify playlists. Here is the last of our four playlists “SUMMERS.” Curated by Jeff Xcentric, he describes the playlist as a very chill, summery & modern, with sprinkles of summers past. Perfect for poolside, beach, or…

  • INN3RG: a playlist

    INN3RG: a playlist

    we love playlists! we partnered with @familiatqlm to create a series of spotify playlists. here is the third of four playlists. “inn3rg” was curated by Abdul-Aliy A. Muhammad. Link in bio. Abdul-Aliy (They/Them) is a Philadelphia born writer, organizer and cofounder of the Black and Brown Workers Co-op. In their work they…

  • MAGIC.: a mixtape

    MAGIC.: a mixtape

    we love playlists! especially on fridays! we partnered with Familia: Trans & Queer Liberation Movement to create a series of spotify playlists. here is the second of four playlists. curated by louie, “magic.” is a playlists that invites listeners to take some time today, even if just a few moments, to…

  • PAJARITA!: A Playlist for the Locas & Maricas!

    PAJARITA!: A Playlist for the Locas & Maricas!

    we love playlists. we partnered with Familia: Trans & Queer Liberation Movement (@familiatqlm) to create a series of spotify playlists. here is the first one “pajarita!”, a Playlist for the Locas and Maricas was curated by GV’s own Armonté Butler (@brevetto).

  • Mark | Oakland, CA

    Mark | Oakland, CA

    I was inspired to start Marking The Path podcast because I felt like we needed a diverse set of voices talking about wellness, authenticity, and what it means to blaze your own path. Oftentimes in the media, we see self-help gurus who are white, talking about their lived experiences that…

  • Kareem D’Ant | Lancaster, PA

    Kareem D’Ant | Lancaster, PA

    I did the whole project [zesty: the EP] on my iPhone 6. I didn’t have the resources so I was just like I am gonna utilize what I have and make something and it turned out to be better than what I expected. With this project, I talked about what…

  • Puerto Rican Day Parade 1990

    Puerto Rican Day Parade 1990

    in september 1990, the first queer contingent marched in philadelphia’s 26th annual puerto rican day parade. organized and led by primarily latinx gay men, particularly puerto rican gay men living with AIDS, the collective marched holding signs and posters calling out the puerto rican government’s slow response to the epidemic.…

  • A Reminder:

    A Reminder:

    if you have the privilege of access to hiv meds or prep, remember that both those things are possible ONLY because of protests and direct actions.



    tony mcdade. we speak your name. tony mcdade, a black trans man, was murdered by police in tallahassee, florida earlier this week. the media outlets, which have been very few, covering his murder, have mis-gendered him. according to a news report, the murdering officer has been placed on administrative leave.…