Tag: COVID-19
An Offering: During A Pandemic
This is an offering, my offering to you and in giving this offering to you, I enrich myself. I am doing this because, as they say “time is of the essence” and because I come from a lineage that finds spiritual work in the giving of gifts. My mother and…
Gabriel | New York, NY
I have not taken the subway since the lockdown a few weeks ago and my bike has been my only mode of transportation. Surreal is the best way to describe how it feels to ride through Times Square right now. Never in a million years would I ever think I…
Horacio x Eddie | Philadelphia, PA
Horacio: Long story short, the quarantine made our March 21st date impossible so the day that the stay at home order was enacted in Philly (March 17th) we got a call from the chapel offering to sign our marriage license that day so it wouldn’t expire. We like to think…
I Wanna Go Out Dancing: Celebrating Birthdays During A Pandemic
Growing up, I’ve always considered music to be a huge part of my life. I used to sometimes joke about how I’d leave my current city and one day become a popular DJ in Miami or Atlanta. While my dreams of being a DJ haven’t clearly panned out into a…
This Playlist is Helping Me Survive a Plague…Again
many of the important moments and even many of the not-so-important moments often times play out in my memory through music. for example, every time i hear “unbreakable” by alicia keys, i am reminded of the night i tested hiv positive. i was in the car with my best friend…
HIV and COVID-19: White Supremacy Is The True Parallel
“Any disease that is treated as a mystery and acutely enough feared will be felt to be morally, if not literally, contagious.” Susan Sontag, Illness As Metaphor In December of 2019, a virus emerged in Wuhan, the capital city of the Hubei Province, located in China. This novel coronavirus was…
When Stigma Goes Viral, We Lose. When Community Support Thrives, We F*ckin’ Win
As history has shown as, stigma and misinformation always spreads faster. From phrases about COVID-19 such as “Chinese virus” and “Kung-Flu” to photos masked Disney Princess Mulan and of charts that calculate “cough counts”, COVID-19 is another public health epidemic that exposes the failures of our current systems and institutions.…