Kikis With Louie: Drag Across Generations

This special LIVE #WorldPride edition of #KikisWithLouie highlights the art of drag across generations. Elders like Ruby Rims paved the way decades ago for contemporary queens like Shangela to bring drag to the mainstream and empower younger generations like Desmond’s to express themselves freely. 

This #KikisWithLouie episode shows that SUPPORTING #LGBTQhealth and rights means TAKING ACTION to #PutPatientsFirst. The Trump administration is working to make it legal for medical providers to deny care to Transgender and Gender Non-Binary people. In an effort to prevent this happening, we are working in coalition with advocates to submit comments stating that this country should be working to make health care accessible and not discriminatory. 

Visit and leave a comment in support of our Transgender and Gender Non-Binary siblings! The deadline to submit a comment to STOP the attack on trans health is TODAY!


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