now imagine this.
me – a moon chaser running across the sky
stealing blue-white streaks
to travel years of light.
imagine if i traveled
to the moon
to gather a liter of its water
to cleanse your aura
and fill the creek that many have stolen a drink from.
imagine if i strike myself
against the universe
and break open a fountain
with a mountain
of moon water
to immerse
bathe and save
the flowers
in your garden that thirsts.
last night i contemplated
just how complicated
could it really be
to steal away a piece of the sky
to light your eyes again.
i drew myself closer to you,
as if like a fire,
and wanted to spend
my entire life right there
in that somewhere.
last night i dreamed of angels
beautiful ones
with beautiful eyes,
hands, and feet
and they carried
villages of mothers
from a paradise to feast
on your enthusiasm.
The same enthusiasm
That provided me meals on days
when i was famished
and wasting away.
I imagine us
clapping our hands
and dancing
to the off-beat rhythm
of our hearts
singing a song that
only you and understand.
would you tell me there,
in that very space
exactly what it was
that stole the radiance
that once resonated
on your face?
last night i watched
as you slept and unraveled
and i knew you traveled
from the crack in the universe
where privacy gives you the
time to hurt.
i longed and longed
for your return
but instantaneously
felt a yearn
to take a quantum leap
to meet you inside your sleep
and wait until you awake
to decide which path to take
for our journey into the light.
mother, i am patient,
so i won’t rush
and just hush touch
our softened hearts
that often hurt so much
with water from the moon
i have stolen just for you.
(c) 2004
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