Tag: mj rodriguez



    the category is celebration and the winner is the incomparable miss mj rodriguez. on june 3, 2018 “pose” premiered on FX. set in the 1980s and 1990s, “pose” told the story of black and brown trans and queer young people as they built community to hold themselves together while navigating…

  • Kikis With Louie: MJ Rodriguez

    Kikis With Louie: MJ Rodriguez

    Louie joins the the star of #POSEFx, MJ Rodriguez, to discuss the trans erasure at the height of the AIDS crisis and the need for sex ed to be LGBTQ-inclusive. Want to support youth living with HIV? Click here to take action today 👉🏾http://bit.ly/AIDSAwarenessWeek #KikisWithLouie