Tag: family

  • Janet Jackson: A Deep Appreciation Of

    Janet Jackson: A Deep Appreciation Of

    i met robert on the very first day of school in the seventh grade in september 1989. as soon as i walked into the classroom and witnessed him commanding space with his beautiful spirit, i knew the semester would be different. i would no longer be the “only one” in…

  • Throwback: David Sell

    Throwback: David Sell

    Growing up, I was apart of a very small family, my household consisted of myself, two sisters and our amazing mother (may her soul continue to rest in paradise). In order to get my sisters and I more accustomed to my father’s side of the family (and to get a…

  • Throwback Thursday: Milani Varela

    Throwback Thursday: Milani Varela

    Picture this: Humboldt Park in Chicago, IL The year is 1993, at that time it was me, momma, dad, and my greñuda little sister living in the basement of my family’s building. That’s me pictured in the shades. I felt so cool with wearing those glasses. I don’t know exactly…

  • Songs That I Loved: Mariah Carey’s “Emotions”

    Songs That I Loved: Mariah Carey’s “Emotions”

    chyle, some of my favorite childhood memories are when my mother allowed us to skip school so we could go with her to get her check. back then, you had to go to an actual bank and stand in line to get your public assistance which at that time was…

  • Playlist: Songs That Remind Me of My Aunts

    Playlist: Songs That Remind Me of My Aunts

    my aunt janet kept her music cassettes on the small round table she kept in her room of the house that she and my mother squatted in. i’d watch her sit as she listened to one album and then rotate the rest of the cassettes throughout the day. it was…

  • twenty years and counting: for nicholas

    twenty years and counting: for nicholas

    i snapped this picture of my brother nicholas and my mother was taken on mother’s day sometime in early 1990’s. my mother LOVED mother’s day! it was one of the few times other than her birthday, she would dress up snd put on some lip stick. i think she loved…

  • Mourning In My Sleep: (Re)Connecting with My Ancestors

    Mourning In My Sleep: (Re)Connecting with My Ancestors

    i have been mourning in my sleep lately. my grandmother, my mother, and dear my aunts janet and carmen have visited me in my dreams. they all passed in the past six years and admittedly, i struggled with providing myself the space to completely mourn them. there always seemed to…

  • Francix | La Vega, Dominican Republic

    Francix | La Vega, Dominican Republic

    At the end of last year, I decided to return home to the Dominican Republic for the first time in close to 5 years. I was able to surprise my family members, including my mom for Christmas. It was a memorable moment. It was a feeling like never before in…

  • The Plotwist Podcast

    The Plotwist Podcast

    recently, i had the extraordinary opportunity of chatting with daniel coronado, one of the hosts of the plotwist podcast. check out the podcast and listen to our conversation about storytelling, community and the importance of building connections. twitter & instagram: @plotwistpodcast

  • The Songs I Loved: Wilson Phillips “Impulsive”

    The Songs I Loved: Wilson Phillips “Impulsive”

    my LOVED mother’s day. birthdays and holidays came and went without much notice but mother’s day was her day to claim. like the rest of the mothers on our block, my mother got dressed to a T with my no where to go. but that was cool tho. getting dressed…

  • The Songs I Loved: Concrete Blonde’s “Joey”

    The Songs I Loved: Concrete Blonde’s “Joey”

    my life is a perpetual music soundtrack. i remember all of the moments – no matter how trivial or traumatic – in song. my friends often joke that whenever i say, “i love this song!”, they know a story will follow. and they’re correct. music and pop culture are usually…

  • Ruben | Los Angeles, CA

    Ruben | Los Angeles, CA

    i grew up in a latino catholic family. mexican family from puebla and we just grew up going to church. on a good week, like 4, 5 times a week. we were always very involved in the church. until i came out to my church friends and then i was…