Category: Gran Varones Portraits

  • Goya | Puerto Rico

    Goya | Puerto Rico

    the electricity came on for the first last night. this is since the hurricane. i was happy and put on my favorite. the two cd set from donna summer. i don’t understand a word but i love the sound of her voice. goyacadelero arriba, puerto rico photographed by: louie a.…

  • Jean | San Juan, PR

    Jean | San Juan, PR

    Today in Puerto Rico we CELEBRATE PRIDE! And What a Perfect Day, when we stand united and celebrate the diversity to give you this amazing surprise! Today I celebrate more than ever WHO I AM! Proud of every experience, every flaw and every part of me, today I Celebrate being…

  • Varòn | Sam Juan, Puerto Rico

    Varòn | Sam Juan, Puerto Rico

    “this car was under water during the hurricane. completely under the water but the mechanic brought it back to life.”  varòn, puerto rico photographed by: louie a. ortiz-fonseca

  • Vince | Philadelphia, PA

    Vince | Philadelphia, PA

    I finally came to my mom when I was like 21. I literally waited for her to ask me and she eventually did. I went to New York with my gay cousin and she knew so that triggered her to ask . She calls, mind you, while I’m shopping at…

  • Sebastian | Philadelphia, PA

    Sebastian | Philadelphia, PA

    it’s always funny because they say hindsight is 20/20. when i really think about it, when i was little, first grade looking at boys differently than i looked at girls, forcing myself to look at girls the way i looked at boys and not understanding all let all what it…

  • Throwback: Xris

    Throwback: Xris

    This picture was taken in June 11, 2003 on my birthday. I just turned 17 and we went to Red Lobster to celebrate. Well, that day was an emotional day for me. I was getting ready to be put in the juvenile system and preparing to go into placement. At…

  • Throwback: Jesús, Los Angeles, CA

    Throwback: Jesús, Los Angeles, CA

    I still remember this day like it was yesterday. I never imagined myself publicly speaking about my undocumented status nor even speaking of being gay.  It took me a while and some courage to speak out of the injustice every single undocumented individual faces on a daily basis, many of…

  • Angel | Philadelphia, PA

    Angel | Philadelphia, PA

    “faggot”, he said as he walks past me. he followed up with, “he’s just so gay.” then he was gone. i looked back with my mouth hanging open in utter disbelief. I was walking in the LGBT neighborhood of philly (the part we lovingly call “gayborhood”). this was a few…

  • Franqui | Orlando, FL

    Franqui | Orlando, FL

    After Pulse, a lot people were scared to come out now and it sucks because when you let people like that change the way you love your life freely, they win. We as a people, we have to look out for each other. We all need to stop doing the…

  • David | Philadelphia, PA

    David | Philadelphia, PA

    i always have a problem when people say “post-gay” because what exactly does that mean? there is no escaping the reality that someone is going to mark you as “different.” there’s always going to be struggles and i think we are always going to meet opposition. you realize that other…

  • Untitled post 2338

    i came here from mexico when i was 7. i was living in oxnard, california until last year. it’s a city where there is a lot of latinx people. so i was always surrounded by them but there was never really any support for the lgbtq community.  i’m a trans…

  • Fernando | Philadelphia, PA

    Fernando | Philadelphia, PA

    I moved from Chicago to Philadelphia with not much more than could fit into a small SUV and with no real idea of what the future would hold. In that time I’ve become a far different person and have found a new home with an amazing career, made some great…